smarana means
to know who we are
in our truest essence.

smarana’s philosophy

this journey of life is all about remembering the self, a journey about becoming that which we already are.

with smarana retreats we want to create space for you to look within and explore your inner world through mindful movements, nature and slow living. you will find that everything you have been seeking has been with you all along. It just needs to be remembered.

our retreats combine a variety of healing tools to guide you on a journey of self discovery and deep connection. check out our upcoming retreats.

about carla

just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

for me, yoga is all about connecting to my essence and trusting my inner knowing. a journey which isn’t about the destination, but about discovering with an open heart.

through a time of darkness and disconnection i’ve experienced the healing power of yoga. Since then, yoga is an important anchor in my life and a daily practice on and off the mat. it teaches me to stay balanced and grounded, yet light and free, and most of all: that all we need is inside, it just needs to be remembered.

i love nature, peaceful places and the feeling of being fully alive. if you can’t find me on the mat, i will probably be hiking in the mountains or floating in the ocean.

my mantra: quiet the mind – open the heart.

the meaning of life is to find your gift,
the purpose of life is to give it away.

i’m a certified yoga teacher (600h) and student since i’m sweet 16 years. inspired by nature and and different self healing practices, i’m teaching creative, embodied flows and gentle yin yoga. my classes fuse different styles, where presence, movement and breath are the doorway to explore the inner self. my soft personality and attention to detail creates space for every-body to feel safe and find peace within.

see you on the mat.

save your spot for the next yoga retreat